Work Wardrobe Wednesday

cropped trousers

Work Wardrobe Wednesday will become a regular feature on this blog where I plan to publish great outfit ideas for a standard office job. I will try to upload photos of my own outfits but as I am still not that camera savvy and the weather outside is still pretty grim I will share great office outfits with a twist that I found on the Interwebz.

I want to start with a picture of the great Anh from Although she doesn’t have a job in fashion or PR but holds a job in a rather traditional company she manages to wear very inspiring non traditional office wear. To be honest her blog has been the only one so far I found that features inspiring office outfits. I mean it is great to look at all the fashion week coverage and all those free spirits roaming streetstyle blogs from all over the world, but unfortunately I can’t don a Dolce & Gabbana lace dress while informing my co-workers about the changes in coal prices.

Picture courtesy of

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